Friday, February 24, 2006


Okay so I was adding more people to my index thingie and republished my blog and now tjhey are all gone, even my archived blogs. When I go into my template it says they are still there but no such luck! I have tried for 30 min to figure it out and I am pissed. So please those of you in the wise blogoverse, speak to me like I am 4yrs old and tell me what to do please!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

tight pants, school lockdown, and fighting with my Tween

Sounds like a great start to Valentines day doesn't it??? Or in the world of a single woman, I like to call it D-day!!! I didn't blog about the 2 hour lockdown at my child's school yesterday b/c I didn't have time or clarity of mind to do so. But the police locked the school down b/c during the wkend kids broke into a home and stole many GUNS! The police suspected they might have brought them to school and had them in their lockers!!! Okay as a teen I was not perfect, and once I even brought alcohol to school, but GUNS!!!!!???? What the hell is wrong with society that our children are bringing weapons to school? Well after searching with dogs and the whole bit, they found no guns. Thank you GOD!!!!!! They did find the guns after school at some undisclosed location and have arrested those involved. This just solidified my fears of letting my child go to school out here (not that it couldn't have happened in Lewiston, but Man!!!) I am second guessing my parenting decisions lately and this just didn't help at all!

Then this morning I went to put on my favorite pair of jeans, and they were so tight I didn't think it would be appropriate to wear them to work. I knew I had gained some weight since my wreck, but OH MY GOSH!!!! My ass is the size of a small country (I kept thinking, while eating chocolate this morning) and Cupid should be shot with his own ARROW!!! Stupid Stupid V-day!!!

Then to add insult to injury while drying my used to be "fat pants" I find a note in the dryer addressed to my son. So I figure its in my domain I will read it. Its from his friend who is telling my son to slap his "girlfriend" on the butt to make this other girl (who likes my son) jealous. It also goes on to say that while my son was dancing with his "girlfriend" this wkend "they were all over each other" Okay so after I put out the fire I caused by the flames shooting out of my eyes while reading this, I thought I have no idea how to handle this!!!!! It was so much easier when you could forbid them to do something and be done with it. But during the Tween years, this ain't gonna cut it!!! I told myself I wasn't going to confront him until after school... but the longer I waited for him to wake up, the more mad I got! So after I gave him his valentine present, I had to bring it up, granted we are both NOT morning people and I knew it was going to piss him off! Conversation went as follows:
Me: We need to talk about his note I found
Q: What note?
Me: this one from D...I thought you said you and A didn't even dance at the dance?
Q: SO!!!!!!!
Me: (WTF!!!) Did u just say "so" to me?!
Q: (not missing a beat) YEAH!
Me: u know I told u that you were too young for a girlfriend anyway, so if ya want to keep on doing these things I will call her parents and I WILL put a stop to this right now!!! (seething with incredulous anger)
Q: I am walking to school!
Me: Oh no you're not, we are not through here ( as he is walking out the door)... If you walk out that door, I will call your dad (even though he is a crack head loser, it still scares my son that I will tell his father)

well he got in the car after trying to close the front door on me and I continued to talk to him while he glared angrily out the window. I told him that if he really cared for this girl, he needed to have more respect for her and himself then to "be all over each other" Granted he never said whether this was a fact or not, he just chose not to answer me like usual and so I am assuming that's what happened. I also told him I didn't want him to become a parent at 16 like his many cousins and also the reason I am mad is b/c he lied to me and if he is going to lie about something so small, then how can I trust him with the big things. He jumped out of the car when we reached school and slammed the car door and never said a word to me, except for SO and I am walking to school. God help me, I am at a total loss. any advice from the BLOGOVERSE? I have always prided myself on being a good parent, but I am really doubting that there is much I can even do about this! HEEEELLPP!

Monday, February 13, 2006


Basketball that is, oh your dirty minds were turning at that title weren't they? Unfortunately the only balling in my life is in the form of me watching my son, playing basketball EVERY weekend. So needless to say by the time I have to be back at work on Mon, it feels like I had no wkend at ALL!! But I have to remind myself I will miss these busy times when he is grownup and moved away...sniff sniff.
They didn't do that great, they won 1 lost 3. But Q made 2 three pointers in one game (good fro being the youngest and shortest kid on the team) His dad (who signed him up for these games) had never bothered to show up to any of them until yesterday and he rolled in with bloodshot eyes and looking like he just left the bar. He was there all of 2 minutes before the game was over. Then didn't show up to the rest of the games. I didn't ask Q what he said, I figured if he wanted to tell me he could in his own time.
I have been really uninspired to blog lately, been in kind of a funk I guess. I am sick of blogging all the depressing parts of my life(which seems to be a lot lately) so I haven't blogged. My spirits were starting to lift with the awesome weather we were having (sunny skies and 50 degree weather) and then today it started frickin SNOWING!!!!!! That damn groundhog, if I see him I am gonna wring his furry little neck (ohhhh there aren't an endangered species are they...sorry PETA...hee hee)

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