Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Loose teeth, not so loose pants, and losing my marbles

Okay here's an update on my not so normal, not so calm life. About a week and a half ago, I got a frantic phone call from one of my best friends, who happens to also be my neighbor. She was panicked, conversation went as follows:

Me: This is Shawna Can I help you?
Her: Ummm, shawna, ummmm there is something wrong with Josie (you know my demon dog)
Me: What do you mean?
Her: Well she is bleeding and her teeth are like.....hanging out of her mouth........I think she got hit by a car!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: What, What?!!! What do you mean "hanging out of her mouth???!!!!"
Her: know the big one on the bottom side of her mouth, its hanging by a thread and the bottom row is pushed back inside......
Me: I'll be right there!

So I leave work with hardly a word to anyone but, my dog got hit I'm leaving! So I get there and I start bawling immediately. she was running around in circles and came and jumped on me whimpering....and HER god her teeth!!!! I can't really explain it, but her bottom canine tooth was hanging by a thread outside her mouth and the bottom row of teeth were also hanging by her gums only and her "chin" had a big gash on it. So I start to panic, but I call the Vet and zoom to town (20 minutes) away. They examine her and said "well we have to remove the canine tooth and the 3 on the bottom and stitch her gums back together. She might have to spend the night" I ask stupidly, "Do dogs teeth grow back?"( Heck I don't know I am not a vet) the answer is no. AWWWWW Man! Then they give her a shot to put her under...she screams, I kid you not when I say scream, when the needle goes in and looks at me like "You hag I thought you loved me" They stuff her in a kennel and I am told to check back at 5:30. I wait nervously and get the call to come and get her. She is fine, just really doped up and looks like a little old lady dog with most of her teeth on the bottom gone and her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth. She was on pain pills and anti-biotics for a week, yeah that was fun giving her pills. She is doing great and has stayed in the yard since then only barking at the cars that go by knock on wood) Can't afford another vet bill.
Well on the weight loss front, not so great! I did okay for a week, but without that accountability of going to meetings and weighing in I have fallen off the wagon again. good news though, my church is starting WW meetings May 9th. So I am gonna do that and pray for the fat to melt away!!!
I can't say to much about the next topic, but suffice it to say my job will not maintain the same parameters next year as it does this year. the school district I work for is having a financial crisis of sorts. Many positions have been cut already, so I asked my boss what to expect and the outcome is kind of grim. I may be cut down to only 3 or 4 days a week, which is a huge chunk of $$$ out of my pocket. So I am trying to find something to fill that gap, and have submitted applications, but no word yet. Its hard I desperately want to stay in the school setting for the same time off that my child has so he isn't running wild all summer long unsupervised while I am slaving away at some job. I am scared, change freaks me out to say the least. I also start doubting myself and my abilities. I look at job descriptions and think, I am soooo not qualified to do that! So prayers and good vibes would be greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Well it has finally happened, I have been tagged by one of my most favorite blogger buddies...Plumkrazee! So I must list below 6 WEIRD things about me.....

1. I must must must have a Diet Coke right when I wake up in the morning. If I am thinking of staying anywhere besides home I always bring Diet Coke in case of emergency!!!

2. I too have an eyebrow plucking addiction. I am not kidding when I say addiction, not to where I have to pencil them in...hee hee sorry Plum, but I pluck them AT LEAST twice a day. If I am just sitting around and bored I pull put the tweezers and it's on. I am afraid I will have some stray long eyebrow hair that someone will notice and think less of me I guess. yeah I know WEIRD, hence the purpose of this exercise.

3. When I am in a basement and have to turn off the light before going up the stairs...I HAVE TO RUN UP THE STAIRS! In fear that the Boogey man may be behind me and try to kill me!

4. I am deathly afraid of clowns. I hate them!!!! They are not funny or cute, they will hunt you down and kill you....seriously they are evil! Don't laugh.... Have ya seen Poltergeist???? 'Nuf said

5. When I am getting tipsy, you can always tell because one of my eyes droops down and looks smaller than the other! Yeah the lazy eye look is sooooo sexy! I have many pictures of myself in this state and its not pretty I tell ya!

6. When I chew gum, and that's like most of the time, I have the annoying habit(annoying to others not me) of HAVING to blow bubbles or make popping sounds with it. I know childish, but hey you asked!!!!

Okay so I tag...MzMMMM and Old Mother Hubbard

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