Basketball that is, oh your dirty minds were turning at that title weren't they? Unfortunately the only balling in my life is in the form of me watching my son, playing basketball EVERY weekend. So needless to say by the time I have to be back at work on Mon, it feels like I had no wkend at ALL!! But I have to remind myself I will miss these busy times when he is grownup and moved away...sniff sniff.
They didn't do that great, they won 1 lost 3. But Q made 2 three pointers in one game (good fro being the youngest and shortest kid on the team) His dad (who signed him up for these games) had never bothered to show up to any of them until yesterday and he rolled in with bloodshot eyes and looking like he just left the bar. He was there all of 2 minutes before the game was over. Then didn't show up to the rest of the games. I didn't ask Q what he said, I figured if he wanted to tell me he could in his own time.
I have been really uninspired to blog lately, been in kind of a funk I guess. I am sick of blogging all the depressing parts of my life(which seems to be a lot lately) so I haven't blogged. My spirits were starting to lift with the awesome weather we were having (sunny skies and 50 degree weather) and then today it started frickin SNOWING!!!!!! That damn groundhog, if I see him I am gonna wring his furry little neck (ohhhh there aren't an endangered species are they...sorry PETA...hee hee)
They didn't do that great, they won 1 lost 3. But Q made 2 three pointers in one game (good fro being the youngest and shortest kid on the team) His dad (who signed him up for these games) had never bothered to show up to any of them until yesterday and he rolled in with bloodshot eyes and looking like he just left the bar. He was there all of 2 minutes before the game was over. Then didn't show up to the rest of the games. I didn't ask Q what he said, I figured if he wanted to tell me he could in his own time.
I have been really uninspired to blog lately, been in kind of a funk I guess. I am sick of blogging all the depressing parts of my life(which seems to be a lot lately) so I haven't blogged. My spirits were starting to lift with the awesome weather we were having (sunny skies and 50 degree weather) and then today it started frickin SNOWING!!!!!! That damn groundhog, if I see him I am gonna wring his furry little neck (ohhhh there aren't an endangered species are they...sorry PETA...hee hee)
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