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Some days it hardly seems worth it does it? Somedays I question why I chose social work in the first place, especially with the pay I receive compared to the student loans I have to pay off. Take today for example, I am trying to find emergency day care for a 2 year old b/c his mother had emergency surgery and has left the 15 and 10 yr old to care for him. They haven't been coming to school b/c of this and so today the 15 yr old in desperation and not wanting to fail... brought him with her to school, and of course got sent home. They have no $, no transportation to get him to day care, and are running out of options and so it falls on my shoulders to fix it....ARGGHH!!
On a more positive note...hey I am blogging again..hee hee!!! Q had his first basketball game of the season on Monday nite, and he scored 20 points....he's the next Michael Jordan only shorter and ummm lighter! No really, I was so proud of him and he was so excited until his Dad...AKA the sperm donor called and couldn't say anything positive. Like usual it was him saying "well ya know you need to work on this and you could do _____ better and so on. What a rat bastard!!! Sorry but don't mess with my kid or you WILL get hurt! Q said, "why can't he just be happy and say he's proud of me and leave it at that?" My heart felt like it cracked in half and I just scooped him on to the bed with me and ran my fingers through his hair. We laid like this for a long time. I didn't want to say exactly what I thought about his dad, so like Thumper I didn't have anything nice to say so I said nothing at all! Why is it that dad's can't/won't love unconditionally like us mothers? Why are there always expectations to be met (especially by son's) to get a father's love? Is it b/c we carried the child for 9 months and that bond is unbreakable? I am not sure, but it pisses me off. I would walk through fire before I purposely hurt my child or made him feel like nothing! Anyway, I digress I was suppossed to be ending this blog on a haapy note. Q had another game last nite. It was 1 hour and a half away and in the middle of the forest, but it was good. We played Timberline ( I think I mentioned before that this is the school that was so predjudice that when I was in high school they taped feathers to their helmets and pissed on all of our football players clothes in the locker room...nice huh?) and we won...who hoo!! He plays again tomm at home thank goodness. More later

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